Awareness of the effect of traditional birth attendance among women of child bearing age

International Journal of Development Research

Awareness of the effect of traditional birth attendance among women of child bearing age


The study is awareness of the effect of traditional birth attendance practices among women of child bearing age. The main objective is to known the level of awareness of the effect of traditional birth attendant among women of child bearing age during pregnancy and delivery methods. A starter and purposive method was conducted where women are divided to starters and only women that have attend traditional birth attendant ware selected among women of child bearing age to be interviewed. Data was collected using a structure questionnaire by the researcher. Data analysis: 200 respondent that delivered in traditional birth attendant was used. They all known the activities of traditional practices but 50% of respondents live for from health center were only engine boat was the mean for transportation . The main reason of people still patronizing the traditional birth attendant is ignorance lack of funds, transport, natural habit and unsatisfactory maternal health care. Concussion: the proportion of women delivery at home in okoroma district in Nembe local government is high, thus reflecting an inevitable high maternal mobility and mortality rate. Deliberate imitative focusing on community maternal health education and improving the quality of maternal care in the community are needed.

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