Associação da complexidade do cuidado de enfermagem e perfil de pacientes clínicos internados em uso de sonda nasoenteral, segundo o sistema de classificação de pacientes proposto por fugulin


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Associação da complexidade do cuidado de enfermagem e perfil de pacientes clínicos internados em uso de sonda nasoenteral, segundo o sistema de classificação de pacientes proposto por fugulin

Janaína Chiogna Padilha, Mariana Portela de Assis, Micheli Macagnan Borghetti, Jane Dagmar Pollo Renner, Janine Koepp and Suzane Beatriz Frantz Krug


Objective: to analyze the association of the complexity of nursing care using the Fugulin Scale and the profile of hospitalized clinical patients using a nasoenteral probe (SNE). Method: Cross-sectional, retrospective, quantitative study, using secondary data, from a multicenter study.The sample comprised 31 patients admitted to the medical clinic of a hospital in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul, using SNE. Results: most male patients, white, educated, married, aged over 60 years, requiring high dependency care, according to the Patient Classification System proposed by Fugulin. The decrease in the level of consciousness resulted in the main indication for the use of SNE. Conclusion: the indication of SNE highlighted the complexity of care, varying between high dependence and semi-intensive and the condition for indicating the use of SNE was statistically significant (p = 0.004) in patients with decreased level of consciousness.

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