Assistive technology: Reasons that trigger its use and non use

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Assistive technology: Reasons that trigger its use and non use

Pyetra Prestes Negretti, Carla Santos Grosskopf, Fabiola Hermes Chesani and João Pedro Euriques


Assistive technology is defined as a set of features, devices and services that provide or extend functional abilities, its main objective being to provide independence, quality of life and social inclusion. This study aimed to understand the reasons that trigger the use and nonuse of assistive technologies with physical disabilities. This is a qualitative study with an intentional sample of 10 participants, all of them being users of assistive technology andthe Physiotherapy Clinic. For purposes of data collection, a semi-structured script was used and the interviews were recorded and later transcribed and analyzed according to Bardin's perspective. The results revealed that the reasons for wheelchair use are associated with greater functional independence, although the reasons for not using are related to the lack of urban and residential accessibility, the injuries caused by their use and the need for assistance by the user. It was concluded that the functional independence of the use of the wheelchair is reported by its users, justifying that its use facilitates mobility and helps them to participate in activities, although many wheelchairs do not allow functionality, need assistance from third parties and do not provide much comfort routinely.

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