Assessment of good governance principles implementation in urban land administration: the case of Bishoftu Town

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
12 pages
Research Article

Assessment of good governance principles implementation in urban land administration: the case of Bishoftu Town

Ashenafi Bekele


The main objective of the study is to assess implementation of good governance principles in Urban land administration of bishoftu town, to select sample respondents from the total population researcher was use both probability and non probability sampling techniques. The instruments used to collect data from participants for this study were; Questionnaire, Interview and Focused group discussion.Five selected principles of good governance were taken as variables of goodgovernance. Cross sectional research design is applied in this study.To achieve the study objectives, Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were also carried out.The findings of the study revealed that the existing land administration practice in Bishoftu town can be characterized as it is not participatory as it is expected to be by its citizens. It shows a tendency of biasedness by sex, social group, and land ownership status differences of the general public,in none of all the five indicator parameters of good governance was the existing land administration practice perceived as good or very good by any of the social, economic, demographic groups considered in the study. Even the town’s Land development and management office employees characterized it as “satisfactory”.“Participation” and “Fairness and Equity” are the most problematic points on which the land administration practice of Bishoftu town is found to be ineffective and inadequately implementing good governance principles to the expectation level of the citizens.

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