Assess the effectiveness of self esteem training to improve the self esteem and coping stratagies among orphans in st.aloysious orphanage home, Dharapuram

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

Assess the effectiveness of self esteem training to improve the self esteem and coping stratagies among orphans in st.aloysious orphanage home, Dharapuram

Angeline Lavanya, S.


Self esteem of the orphan children and the children living with their parents are different. The children in orphanages reported lower degree of self esteem than the children living with their parents. The study was evaluative approach. The research design used for the study was pre experimental one group pre test and post test design. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the 100 samples. Pre test data was collected by self administered questionnaire using 4 point likert scale. In that 33 boys and 67 girls had low self esteem with inadequate coping. The mean post test score of self esteem was 22.01 (SD ± 3.086) higher than the mean pretest score of self esteem 9.57 (SD ±1.87), with a mean difference of 12.44 and the corresponding ‘t’ value was 10.2 which was significant at p<0.05 level. The mean post test score of coping strategies was 101.62 (SD ± 7.7931) which is higher than the mean pretest scores of coping strategies 46.96 (SD ± 11.7) with a mean difference of 54.66 and the corresponding “t” value was 50.456 was significant at p< 0.05 level. Association between self esteem and selected demographic variables showed that there was no significant relationship among variables where as the association between coping strategies and selected demographic variables showed that there was a significant relationship between coping strategies and age (x²=6.4998) coping strategies and education (x²=8.257) coping strategies and hobbies (x²=12.7345) which was significant at the level of at p< 0.05. The study finding revealed that there was a significant improvement in the level of self esteem and coping strategies after self esteem training.

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