Anatomic technique: manufacture of plaster models made from the carpus and tarsus of equine, bovine and canine


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Anatomic technique: manufacture of plaster models made from the carpus and tarsus of equine, bovine and canine

Caroline Fernandes Possebon, Rubiele Müller de Vargas, Mayara Neves Mella, Orestes Cabeleira, Gabriele Maria Callegaro Serafini and Cristiane Elise Teichmann


In the practical classes of osteology the use of animals is routine, being that the obtaining of these materials, usually through donations of skeletons or dissections of ex alive animals. However, it is common some specimens to be scarce, making it difficult the progress of a classroom practice. With the purpose of increasing the osteological collection of Animal Anatomy Laboratory of the Veterinary Medicine Course, UNIJUI, the objective of this work was to develop alternative models of bones for use in the classroom. With this, models of carpus and tarsus of equine, bovine and canine with alginate and plaster from real bones were manufactured, representing faithfully every detail present in the original bones and maintaining the same quality of teaching.

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