Analysis of non-permitted dyes in bakery and dairy products for forensic consideration

International Journal of Development Research

Analysis of non-permitted dyes in bakery and dairy products for forensic consideration


Synthetic dyes and pigments are used in a wide range of industries. The present study was carried out to detect the non-permitted dyes added to bakery and dairy products. Different types of products were collected from local areas of Allahabad like 8 samples of cake, 8 samples of pastry were analysed for identification of the added synthetic food colours and it was found that 2 out of
8 samples of cake and 1 out of 8 samples of pastry adulterated with metanil yellow and 2 out of 8 samples of cake and 3 out of 8 samples of pastry adulterated with malachite green. The colour changes and Rf values of standard samples were compared with suspected samples for further confirmation of presence these dyes with the help of chemical tests and thin layer chromatographic method.

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