Analysis of factors that influence management medical and non-medical solid waste in hospital Dereferencia De Suai, Maliana and Maubisse, Timor Leste

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Analysis of factors that influence management medical and non-medical solid waste in hospital Dereferencia De Suai, Maliana and Maubisse, Timor Leste

Bernardino Armando da Silva


Waste is something that is not useful, not used, not liked or something that is discarded that comes from human activities and does not happen by itself. Medical waste is any type of waste that contains infectious material or potentially infectious material (WHO 2004). This definition includes waste generated by health facilities such as doctor's offices, hospitals, dental practices, laboratories, medical research facilities, and veterinary clinics (WHO 2015). Hospital solid waste is all hospital waste in the form of solid as a result of hospital activities consisting of medical solid waste and non-medical solid waste. (MOH Republic of Indonesia Number 1204 / Men Kes / SK / X / 2004. Management of medical and non-medical solid waste in hospitals is needed as an effort to break the chain of the spread of infectious diseases including nosocomial infections. The researchers' observations show that there are still many shortcomings in efforts to manage solid waste in health care facilities, especially hospital dereferencing, starting from the landfill until the eradication process. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitudes of cleaning service personnel, availability of facilities and infrastructure, company commitment and policy and regulatory factors towards efforts to manage solid waste at the Hospital de Referencia in Timor Leste by selecting three representatives of the Hospital Referencia Suai, Maliana and Maubisse. This type of research is observational analytic quantitative with a cross-sectional study design of 107 samples. The samples were selected by purposive sampling from company employees who manage solid waste in the hospital reference Suai, Maliana and Maubisse. Data collection by interview using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed variable from five independent variables to one dependent variable, where data were tested using a prevalence ratio approach with a confidence interval (95% CI). Based on the results of data analysis with a prevalence ratio test at a 95% confidence interval (CI), the results are obtained; knowledge factor value of Prevalence Ratio (PR) = 0.025, attitude value of PR = 0.071, availability of infrastructure with a value of PR = 1.195, company commitment with a value of = 0.653 as well as policy and regulatory factors with a value of Prevalence Ratio = 7.260. The conclusions of the study show that the availability of infrastructure and regulations have a significant influence on the management of solid waste in Suai, Maliana and Maubisse Hospital because of the prevalence ratio value> 1 among the 95% CI confidence interval values.

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