Análise das inovações nos processos licitatórios: mudanças provocadas pela lei 14.133/2021

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

Análise das inovações nos processos licitatórios: mudanças provocadas pela lei 14.133/2021

Flávia Nayara Cristhian da Silva and Dr. Vailson batista de Freitas


The New Bidding Law came to improve the bidding processes in Brazil, ensuring more agility for the purchase or contracting of goods and services, as well as more transparency for the entire bidding process. Social oversight has increased in recent years, requiring the State to adopt an increasingly informed stance on public spending and the purchase of goods and services from third parties. In this article, we will seek to understand the new bidding law, known as Law nº 14.133/2021, and presenting the main innovations and changes of the new law in relation to the previous legislation. In view of this, this research is justified by the need, despite not exhausting the related theme, to present the main changes that the legal framework provided by Law nº 14.133/2021 brought to public procurement, exposing the main changes, advantages and still complex points to those interested in this topic: students, accounting professionals, researchers, among others, or even to serve as a knowledge base of the problem for future additional research on the subject.

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