Aids, family and care: Effects on the treatment of individuals infected by the HIV virus

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Aids, family and care: Effects on the treatment of individuals infected by the HIV virus

Analice Cristhian Flavio Quintanilha, Sônia Maria Oliveira de Andrade, Maria Angélica Marcheti, Valdir Aragão do Nascimento, Jonathan Colpas da Silva, Juliana Pedroso Bauab Geraldo, Bruna Zavatti Vacchiano and Beatriz Sasso Trevisan Perea Martins


This manuscript is a literature review of the effects of treating patients hospitalized with HIV and cared for by their relatives. The therapeutics that takes into account the presence of the family of the patient with AIDS, has had positive effects on the evolution of the health of these individuals. Such results have led public health officials in several countries to include the method among the possibilities of aiding the treatment of HIV patients. This bibliographic study aims to discuss issues related to the presence of the family in the treatment of people with AIDS virus, as well as the benefits of this intervention for patients and the family in general. The theoretical reference is tributary of the areas of nursing, psychiatry, psychology and collective health. It is concluded that the insertion of the family in the treatment of people with AIDS presents satisfactory results, mainly with respect to the improvement of the clinical evolution of these patients. This improvement is due to the presence of non-quantifiable categories during hospitalization, such as affection; companionship, friendship, among others, but which are of undeniable relevance in the recovery of the patients during the time of hospitalization.

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