Active research of new cases of diabetes and hypertension in the city of Floriano, Piaui

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Active research of new cases of diabetes and hypertension in the city of Floriano, Piaui

Ryanne Wenecha da Silva Gomes, Raíza Campos Sousa, Bartholomeu Araujo Barros Filho, Ayres Fran da Silva e Silva and Maximiliano de Souza Zierer


Diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HA) are common diseases and increasing incidence every year, causing severe complications to the individual. Diabetes mellitus occurs when the production of the hormone insulin by the pancreas is insufficient or when the body does not efficiently use the insulin it produces, leading to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood. And hypertension is characterized by increased blood pressure level. The objective of this work was the active search for new cases of diabetes and hypertension in the city of Floriano, Piauí. We evaluated 352 individuals of both sexes aged 18 to 87 years. Questionnaires were applied on the diabetes disease and hypertension, and made the blood glucose test and blood pressure measurement. The results showed that 11.4% of subjects had postprandial blood glucose greater than 140 mg/dL, and 45.7% had some stage of hypertension. The increase in cases of both diseases are consequences of the bad habits of life of individuals. The guidance to the general public on a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity and a balanced diet is an essential attitude in the prevention and control of both diabetes and hypertension, reducing complications and mortality of individuals by diseases simple prevention.

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