Views of music teachers on the contribution of music to the environmental awareness of students in the context of sustainable development education

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

Views of music teachers on the contribution of music to the environmental awareness of students in the context of sustainable development education

Dr. Moustakas Loukas and Gkikopoulou Alexandra


This study seeks to link Environmental Education with Music Education. The goal of this study is to explore the views of Music Teachers on the contribution of music to the environmental awareness of students in the context of Education for Sustainable Development. In particular, the views of teachers on the environment, sustainability, environmental education, education for sustainable development, their intention to approach Sustainable Development Education through Music Education were examined and recorded, as well as the ways they use to achieve it. The documentation and lookup for answers to these issues led to finding researches, using issues that are directly or indirectly related to our research questions, justifying the importance of the research problem. A review of research to investigate the results of the application of techniques in the educational process follows. Kyriazakos (2017), with the qualitative research on twenty-three Greek artists who are professionally engaged in the field of music, aims to explore the views of artists on issues related to the contribution of music and songs in raising awareness of individuals and groups on environmental issues. Agapakis (2013) aims to highlight the music and the sounds themselves produced by the natural environment as a useful tool in the hands of teachers, in the field of environmental education. Sergi (1993) investigates, with her experimental research, the possible effect of music on the formation of the child’s personality in preschool age, through the cross-curricular approach of teaching-learning with music education as central axis.

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