Use of androgenic anabolic steroids in resistance exercise practitioners in the gyms of the city of Palotina-Pr, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

Use of androgenic anabolic steroids in resistance exercise practitioners in the gyms of the city of Palotina-Pr, Brazil

Dariel Fernando Maia Rosso, Rafael de Moraes Fischer, Daiane Fatima Kusma, Douglas dos Santos Taborda, José Carlos Mendes, Laís Tonello and Robson Ruiz Olivoto


Introduction: In Brazil the number of outlets for physical exercise grows every year, among them the gyms have a prominent place because of resistance training is one of the most sought-after sports.Objectives: can be aesthetic, weight loss, health or sports performance to end up motivating, practitioners, to use other strategies, in addition to resistance exercise, the Anabolic Androgens Steroids(AAS’s). Objective: In this sense, the objective of this study was to characterize the practitioners of resistance exercises that make use of AAS’s. Methods: This is a descriptive and quantitative study conducted in resistance exercise practitioners of the city of Palotina-PR, Brazil. The sample consisted of 37 subjects, aged between 18 and 41 years, all resistance exercise practitioners. The study was conducted in two academies of the city, were the ones who agreed to participate in the investigation. All subjects who agreed to participate signed the consent form and then answered the questionnaire proposed by Frizon (2005). Data were organized and presented in absolute and percentage frequency. Results: Most of the subjects that make or made use of AAS’s are men. The reasons given for the practice are aesthetics and hypertrophy and the vast majority do not use the AAS’s medically indicated. Conclusion: Our data confirm that there are resisted exercising in Palotina-Pr, Brazil, that make use of AAS’s mostly non-prescription and aesthetic goals.

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