Toxic India ---treat the patient and not the poison

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Toxic India ---treat the patient and not the poison

Raghavendra Rao, M.V., Sireesha Bala, A., Sateesh Babu, Arja, Samir Fatteh, Jitendra Kumar Naik, Anusha. C. Pawar and Jattavatu Madhavi


The subtle effect of Thalidomide tragedy resulting in phocomalia, apoda etc in the offspring led to untold miseries. The drug Thalidomide caused an estimated 10,000 birth defects and thousands of fetal deaths worldwide. The affected babies typically suffered from phocomelia, a failure of the limbs to develop. These unfortunate babies were cruelly referred to as "Flipper babies". This drug formerly used as a sedative, but with drawn in the early 1960's after it was found to cause congenital malformation or absence of limbs in children whose mothers took the drug during early pregnancy. Thalidomide is a sedative that used to be prescribed to treat anxiety, tension, gastritis and insomnia. It was also used to relieve morning sickness in pregnant women. There are similar good number of cases of fetal deaths, still births, terratogenices etc. The young ones of mothers exposed to toxic ants like pesticides, radiation, heavy metal etc. Can we save innocent lives growing in the wombs of the mother from becoming the victims of hostile environment that cannot avoid. This was the question that was prompted me to choose the topic of my research. Women working in metal industries smelter and other industries where heavy metals are used always run the risk of impact of heavy metals on the fetuses. Doing research with human subjects is illegal and unethical. So I have to go non-human material which stimulates human being. Viviparous is common among est mammals but not many provide long gestation period. There are two major challenges , designing a drug that could potentially target the multiple path ways involved and developing models that would help rapid screening of potential drugs. Most drugs in the pipeline have failed in clinical trails. To study the long term effects of the toxic-ants on the fetal development. Rats have 21, rabbits 30, dog has 60 days gestation period. Where as gestation period is long as in case of sheep, horses, monkeys, elephants, they are not available because of cost procurement and maintenance .So in this situation scorpion comes handy, cheap, available, viable and reliable, with viviparous and long gestation period .All scorpions have a long gestation period. It goes from several months to a year and a half, depending on species. The young scorpions develop as an embryo in the mother's uterus. During this time, the embryo gets food from his mother. Hence scorpion was chosen as a medical research model. It is not enough, that we discover that the pollutant effects the mother and the fetus. In several ways but not to overcome these effects in more important to live in the toxic circumstances with out toxic impact.

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