Temporalis fascia versus tragal cartilage in type 1 tympanoplasty


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
2 pages
Research Article

Temporalis fascia versus tragal cartilage in type 1 tympanoplasty

Danish Arora


Tympanolplasty is a common surgery performed by Otolaryngologists worldwide. There are a great number of variations in the technique and method of tympanoplasty conducted by various surgeons. Study was performed to evaluate the anatomical and audiological outcomes of Type1 Tympanoplasty performed with a temporalis fascia and tragal cartilage graft on a total of 80 patients. Results of study were compared using using rate of graft uptake and hearing gain. 38 patients (95%) showed graft success and 2 patients (5%) showed graft failure in which temporalis fascia was used. 37 patients (92.5%) showed graft success and 3 patients (7.5%) showed graft failure in which cartilage was used. In patients with temporalis fascia hearing gain was 8dB and in patients with tragal cartilage it was 7dB. Thus cartilage is a good substitute as a graft material in tympanoplasty surgeries.

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