Teacher’s Efficacy and Burn-out Levels During & After covid- 19 Pandemic

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
11 pages
Research Article

Teacher’s Efficacy and Burn-out Levels During & After covid- 19 Pandemic

Merilyn Sunny and Marilyn M. Cherobin


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an immediate need for a complete, unplanned change in schooling and education system. As the campuses in schools all over the world were closed to protect the students and teachers, many educators have shifted to remote teaching involving technology. Educators have continuously emphasized on the need of teachers as mainstream workers in educational reform, and the dedicated and consistent behavior of teachers will be necessary to a successful educational response to the current COVID- 19 pandemic. However, to get a clearer understanding of the teachers’ behavior about the pandemic, various models of planned behavior have shown that teachers’ attitudes must be considered too. The aim of this research is to understand how attitudes of teachers are changing, their self- efficacy is altering and their approach towards technology related to resilience and burnout while online teaching during the current times of COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to ascertain the association between teachers' self-efficacy and burnout reports in Bangalore, India. Using two questionnaires, data was collected, which was then concerted to numerically comprehensible formats using the SPSS Software. Correlational analysis was used to establish the link between self-efficacy and teacher burnout. The findings demonstrated a direct correlation between participant self-efficacy and exhaustion. This paper also aims to understand the burnout levels experienced by the teachers and the self-efficacy levels separately too. How this has changed over the pre pandemic phase is also an aspect which will be covered in the study.

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