Suicide behavior and alcohol consumption among adolescents: Integration Review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Suicide behavior and alcohol consumption among adolescents: Integration Review

Thaise Queiroz de Melo, Delmilena Maria Ferreira de Aquino, Paula Andréa de Melo Valença, Carolina da Franca Bandeira Ferreira Santos, Fabiana de Godoy Bene Bezerra, Viviane Colares Soares de Andrade Amorim, Valdenice Aparecida de Menezes.


The complexity of suicide lies in not being able to attribute to this phenomenon a single factor, stressor or cause. In this way, the studies run to create joint associations to assist in the determination of factors in order to improve in prevention and promotion tools. A relevant risk factor would be alcohol consumption, a licit drug consumed worldwide and reaching both gender, when used with abuse or excess increases the injuries. In adolescents, it may favor exposure to health risk factors, especially by substance abuse beyond suicidal behavior, because this phase is characterized by the search for autonomy and personal independence.

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