Study of toy industry: an overview of changing trends
International Journal of Development Research
Study of toy industry: an overview of changing trends
Received 27th December, 2016; Received in revised form 09th January, 2017; Accepted 23rd February, 2017; Published online 31st March, 2017
Copyright©2017, Meenu Dewan and Dr. Ravi Kumar Handa. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Playing is universal and it is not a matter of luxury but is claimed to be a fundamental human need just like food and shelter. Thereby the UN Convention on Rights of the Child declared that playing is a basic right for all children. By exploring the history kids of all cultures across the globe have played with toys and games and also are considered to be critical element in growing up. It is also believed through researches that playing with toys and games improves the child’s physical, mental and social development as well as its emotional health and well-being. Unfortunately, the play and creativity is left behind due to increasing urban living, changing prominence on education and busier and more fragmented lives. There is an increasing focus on the safety of children, ethical manufacturing and environmental sustainability which are crucial for the growth of the children. The main objective of writing this paper is to bring forth the changing importance of toys and games amongst children and to analyze the global toy industry.