Study system parking area agency on road-shopping tour in Makassar

International Journal of Development Research

Study system parking area agency on road-shopping tour in Makassar


Today, the increased use of private vehicles for travel-shopping activity has caused its own problems of urban transport, such as the increasing use of part of the road as the vehicle parking area. As one of the initial steps in memecahkn the parking problems, this study aimed to analyze and evaluate the parking system that uses a portion of the road and its influence on the performance of traffic on a road which is the main area of activity-shopping tour in the city of Makassar. This study focuses on system-street parking on the road Jl. Somba Opu, which is the main street of tourist activity-shopping area in the city of Makassar. Surveys such as the characteristics of the road and parking system that is applied in these roads is done by using the method of recording plates parked vehicles. Angle of vehicle parking system also surveyed in this study. In addition, a survey conducted at the same time the volume of traffic census and survey kecapatan vehicles passing on the road Jl. Somba Opu. Analysis of the performance of the parking and traffic to the conditions existing parking angle system performed to evaluate the extent of the influence of the parking system on the performance of the road traffic on the roads Jl. Somba Opu. Furthermore, this study conducted an analysis model of the relationship volume and speed of traffic using a model approach based Greenshield linear models. On the other hand, performed the simulation and optimization for a variety of conditions kedaraan parking angle in order to determine the optimal balance between capacity and the amount of road space parking of vehicles that can be accommodated. By using a model of the relationship of traffic volume and speed, and the optimization results, the evaluation of the volume and the actual speed to the optimum condition to do. The results of the analysis and the evaluation shows that the parking system existing road has reduced road traffic performance significantly both the volume and speed of traffic. This performance decrease caused by the reduction in the dominant portion of the road to passing vehicles and irregularities angle parking of vehicles. Optimization results show that angle 45o parking is optimum parking angle. This optimum parking condition can speed vehicles passing though slightly reduce the volume of traffic. The results of this study are expected to be the basis of the studies in developing advanced modeling and simulation of the effect of parking on the performance of the road traffic in a comprehensive manner.

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