Strategic management practices and performance of public secondary schools in Kenya: A case of Nakuru District
International Journal of Development Research
Strategic management practices and performance of public secondary schools in Kenya: A case of Nakuru District
The aim of this paper is to find determine the influence of strategic management practices on the performance of public secondary in Kenya . The research was conducted in Nakuru district where a census of 21 public secondary schools was carried out. Data collection was done through self administered questionnaire through drop and pick method and the data was analyzed by the use of descriptive and inferential statistics mainly; frequencies, percentages, regression, chi-square and correlation facilitated by Statistical Package for Social Sciences The primary findings were that schools are at different levels of strategic management such that some schools do not even have a strategic plan, some have the plan but shelved while others implement their strategic plan. Overall, the strategic management practices elements of environmental analysis, Organizational direction, Strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation and control have a significant influence on the strategic performance. The results of this research provide knowledge, create awareness and identify concepts and framework of strategic management. In addition, the results are useful to schools and the ministry since they can be used to improve implementation of strategic management and this will enhance good performance.