Status of nomadic tribal women in north Karnataka: in terms of anthropometry, health status and quality of life


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Status of nomadic tribal women in north Karnataka: in terms of anthropometry, health status and quality of life

Deeksha Naik, Kasturiba B. and Usha Malagi


Nomads are known as a group of communities who travel from place to place for their livelihood. The paper investigates Nutritional status of Nomadic Tribal women residing in North Karnataka. 30 nomadic adult women aged 18 to 45years from 6 districts of North Karnataka were selected. Nutritional status in terms of Anthropometry was assessed. Results revealed that 40% of the women belong to underweight category of BMI. Poor nutritional status of women makes her more susceptible to infectious diseases. Ultimately it affects the productivity of women and in turn development of the community and the Nation.

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