The social criminalization of women victim of violence


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

The social criminalization of women victim of violence

Leila Sala Prates Ferreira and Tania Rocha Andrade Cunha


The present paper is our reflection product on the phenomenon of social criminalization of women victim of violence, the object of our Master’s research, which has its origin in the history of civilization and continues to live until today. A significant point about this phenomenon is the relentless charge by society of a previous posture from the victim the fulfillment of behavioral pattern to be followed, looking for in every way to find in their attitudes and / or behaviors the reason for the violence perpetrated, sometimes considering them an accessory or facilitator of violent action. From this viewpoint, we chose as the maingoal of this research the investigation of social criminalization directed at women victims of violence and its developments up to these days. In methodological terms, the bias of the current research is quanti-qualitative. Therefore, for the empirical data gathering, we chose the quantitative technique, and afterwards we carried out a qualitative analysis of the phenomenon. In conclusion, our research is also bibliographical, allowing us to interact with important authors. This way, the preliminary results show the solid influence of patriarchal ideals that even today, are present in social speeches, frequently disguised but filled by real misogyny.

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