Sistema de medição de temperatura da água em ambiente de piscicultura por meio de veículos Aéreos não tripulados (vant)

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Sistema de medição de temperatura da água em ambiente de piscicultura por meio de veículos Aéreos não tripulados (vant)

Rafael Luis Bartz and Aldi Feiden


Despite the widespread use of technology in several agricultural activities, most of the production processes in fish farming are not automatized. That includes water quality control and feed supply, which are related given that water temperature is key to determine how much feed should be dispensed in the fishponds at a given time. In this work, we describe a system to estimate the water temperature in a fish farm via unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and show how it can enhance the fishponds daily management. A prototype was built with a long-range thermal infrared temperature sensor and a microcontroller embedded in a UAV, gathering and sending data to a specially developed mobile application, which uses GPS coordinates to identify which fishpond is being flown over. The infrared data were compared against measures gathered by a mercury-based thermometer on the water surface by using Pearson's correlation analysis, showing a strong correlation (R = 0.80). The developed system proves effective in gathering and analyzing data, thus optimizing fish farming management.

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