A role of audit committee and its impact on firm performance in India

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Review Article

A role of audit committee and its impact on firm performance in India

Sujatha, N., Dr. Muninarayanappa, M. and Dr. Sathyanarayana


The purpose of this study is to investigate the association of audit committee expertise and firm performance. Nowadays, an audit committee (AC) is being looked upon as a distinct culture for corporate governance and has received a wide publicity across the globe. Government authorities, regulators and international bodies all have indicated that they view an AC as a potentially powerful tool that can enhance the reliability and transparency of financial information. Being mandatory under SEBI Clause 49 of the listing Agreement, an AC can be of great help to the board in implanting , monitoring and continuing good corporate governance practices to the benefit of the corporation and all its stake holders in firm performance.

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