Quality of life and mental health of university students: integrative review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Quality of life and mental health of university students: integrative review

Lycélia da Silva Oliveira, Eliany Nazaré Oliveira, Paulo César de Almeida, Maria Suely Alves Costa, Francisco Rosemiro Guimarães Ximenes Neto, Maristela Inês Osawa Vasconcelos, Antonio Mairlon Ponte Rocha, Ana Kelly Candido Vasconcelos, Roberta Magda Martins Moreira, Maria Lyciane da Silva Oliveira and Natasha Vasconcelos Sobrinho


Aim: To analyze the scientific production related to the quality of life and mental health of university students. Methods: This is an integrative review, focusing on the LILACS, SciELO, Index Psychology and BDENF databases, with the association of the descriptors mental health, quality of life, students and university students. In the sample, papers written in full, in Portuguese, were included in the period from 2012 to 2018. Results: Of the 180 articles identified, only twenty-two referred to the theme, all articles presented a quantitative approach and they made use of evaluation tools, the most cited tool was Whoqol-Bref. Conclusion: it was verified the presence of stress and low quality of life indicators in different grades, highlighting publications referring to the nursing course. In view of the findings, it is recommended that the theme should still be studied, beyond to the development of measures that promote health in the university.

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