Profile of patients with stroke admitted in military teaching hospital in Gabon

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Profile of patients with stroke admitted in military teaching hospital in Gabon

Okoue Ondo, R., Edjo Nkilly, G., Mayegue, U., Djoko, II S., Oliveira, S., Sougou E., Manli, D, Mandji Lawson, JM. and Tchoua, R.


Introduction: Stroke is the second leading cause of death in the world and in developing countries. It is a pathology causing many disability situations and is a medical emergency because of its potential severity; the short-term vital prognosis may be engaged. The objective of our study is to evaluate the epidemiological aspects of this condition in the the Army Teaching Hospital OMAR BONGO ONDIMBA (HIA OBO) Patients and method: Prospective and descriptive study from 1st August 2017 to 28th February 2018 at HIAOBO. Patients were included in Resuscitation and UAA services, hospitalized for stroke confirmed by brain imaging. Results: We estimated a hospital stroke frequency at UAA of 7.3%. Average age 58 years with extremes ranging from 18 to 95 years.Sex ratio of 1.39. The most concerned age group was 50-60 years old. The most common risk factor was hypertension in 63.24% of cases, most of which resulted in ischemic stroke. There is poor monitoring of hypertension when it is known (66.21% of patients not followed). The most frequent reason for consultation was motor deficit, followed by disturbances of consciousness. Patient admission time ranged from 30 minutes to 14 days with an average delay of approximately 29 hours. Within this period, 47.82% of patients consulted before 4:30 minutes of which 26.08% with a DALY, potentially eligible for thrombolysis. The time required to perform a cerebral CT scan ranged from 1 to 14 days, with an average delay of 37 hours. The most common type of stroke was DALY in 60.86% of the study population. We recorded a total of 12 deaths including 8 in the UAA. Conclusion: Stroke is pathology of increasing incidence of which the main risk factor, the HTA is controllable. Our study shows that the conditions could be met to improve the management by setting up UNVs.

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