Porto seguro as national identity territory: beginnings and resumptions of indigenous memory

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Porto seguro as national identity territory: beginnings and resumptions of indigenous memory

Pedro Ivo Moreira Gomes Rodrigues and Dr. Marcello Moreira


It proposes a symbolic analysis of the monument that celebrates the five hundred years of the discovery of Brazil by the Portuguese, the cross erected by the artist MárioCravo in the year 2000, in CoroaVermelha (district of the municipality of Santa Cruz Cabrália-BA), supposedly in the same place where the First Mass of Brazil was recited, on April 26, 1500 . During the analysis of the monument, the interpretation of two historical moments is articulated by its erection and official inauguration: the one in which the First Mass was celebrated in Brazil and the inauguration of the monument that commemorates it, first event again present by an act of memorization. The background of analysis is the indigenous memory, poetically and rhetorically agitated by the European colonizer over the centuries. The questioning about which values the monument re-updates and resigns during and after the celebrations in Cabrália and Porto Seguro. After all, what is the point of celebrating the European and Catholic origin of a mixed and multicultural nation in the place where the encounter between people in which the natives of the earth were supposed to have lost?

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