Physiotherapy in brazil and its context during the 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Physiotherapy in brazil and its context during the 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic

Roquenei da Purificação Rodrigues, Gabriel Villas-Bôas da Silva dos Santos, Lila Teixeira de Araújo and Aline do Nascimento Andrade


Physiotherapy is recognized as a science and regulated profession for more than 50 years and has shown significant evolution in technical and scientific fields in Brazilian scenario. In the context of Coronavirus 2019, physiotherapists have faced major challenges in primary health care, adapting themselves to changes in secondary care through remote assistance that was recently authorized by the Federal Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy as an exception and finally have achieved a great importance in tertiary care due to prevention and treatment of respiratory disabilities and reduction of functional impairment that may occur during hospitalization.

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