A phenomenological analysis of the incarcerated journey of adult filipino detainees

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

A phenomenological analysis of the incarcerated journey of adult filipino detainees

Jestoni D. Maniago


This study explored the journey and life experiences of eight adult detainees who spent their adulthood inside the Zambales Provincial Jail. The detainee-participants were selected by the researchers. The experiences of the participants were subsequently collected and enriched by the following methods; 1) Interview, 2) Questionnaire, 3) Storytelling, 4) Projective Test, and 5) Focus Group Discussion. Three (3) levels of reflective explication were done on the narratives of the detainee-participants following the process specifically developed by the researcher and grounded on the philosophy of Interpretative Phenomenology. Through the process of reflective explication, three themes were formed: (1) Rusted Cuffs, Dented Past; (2) Prison Dorm, Cell of Reform; and (3) Rays between Bars, Radiance of Hope. These themes reflected their incarcerated journey as adult detainees spending their time inside the jail.

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