Pathogenicity variations of Puccinia striiformis F. sp. Tritici Westend in wheat growing areas of Nepal

International Journal of Development Research

Pathogenicity variations of Puccinia striiformis F. sp. Tritici Westend in wheat growing areas of Nepal


Yellow rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PST), is one of the most important diseases threatening wheat productions around the world. Yellow rust population from Nepal was characterized for its frequency and combination of virulences using world, European and supplemental differential sets under standard glasshouse conditions at Institute National de la Recherché Agronomique (INRA), France. A total of 62 revived isolates which were collected during 2008 were analyzed. Isolates were differentiated into six pathotypes (N1 to N6). Two pathotypes N1 and N2 represented 88% of the Nepalese population and shared virulences v1 (virulent to resistance gene Yr1), v2, v6, v7, v27 and vSU. None of the isolates was virulent to resistance genes Yr5, Yr10, Yr15, Yr24, Yr26 and YrEp. The virulence frequencies of v1, v6, v8, v9 and vA ranged between 26-95% in all samples analyzed while v2, v7, v27and vSu were fixed in all pathotypes. Results revealed that out of six pathotypes, five were never reported from Nepal and suggested a possibility of spore migration in the region.

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