O cuidado do enfermeiro à mulher gestante vítima de violênciadoméstica


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

O cuidado do enfermeiro à mulher gestante vítima de violênciadoméstica

Aline Aires Carvalho, Eunice Oliveira De Anunciação, Amanda Moreira Ramos, Adriane Rosalvo Dos Santos, Ana Eliza Miranda Gomes Ramos, Marilda Pereira Fontes Alves, Fernanda Borges De Souza Mendes, Weslene Lino Pereira, Marcella Dias Fontes, Renata De Fátima Costa, Antônia Corrêa Aguiar, Halline Cardoso Jurema and Sara Rodrigues Araujo


Introduction: Violence is common and, in many cases, can start or even get worse in this period and can be twice as common as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and placenta previa and the nursing professional has attributions and techniques to identify, combat and stop this crime. Objective: to highlight the importance of nursing care for pregnant women who are victims of domestic violence. Methodology: This is a descriptive and qualitative study of literature review on the importance of nursing care for pregnant women victims of domestic violence, in which scientific articles were chosen based on articles available in the Virtual Health Library databases (VHL), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Google Scholar. Results and Discussion: The search resulted in 08 articles, after applying the inclusion criteria, and it was found with all studies that gender violence is a public health issue that occurs with greater recurrence than other physical injuries. Conclusion: The professional must adapt to meet the needs of the abused woman, understanding that the priority is always the victim, and is not limited to the physical body, because treating physical injuries and returning them to the environment that makes them sick is certainly make it possible that it will not have the means to get rid of other aggressions.

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