Nutritional status of schoolchildren at a municipal school in the interior of piauí

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Nutritional status of schoolchildren at a municipal school in the interior of piauí

Sara da Silva Siqueira Fonseca, Samuel Lopes dos Santos, Jaiane Oliveira Costa, Marinalva Vaz de Sousa Brito, Nesília Ferreira de Moura Rocha, Laísa Ribeiro Rocha, Leidiana Nunes Silva and Lizandra Fernandes do Nascimento


Objective: to analyze the nutritional status and eating habits of schoolchildren from the 2nd to the 5th year at a school in the city of Cristino Castro - PI, with children aged 8 to 19 years. Methodology: This study dealt with a descriptive exploratory field research with a quantitative approach. Results and Discussion: 40 students agreed to participate in the research, 16 male and 24 female. The distribution of body mass in relation to the height of the students revealed that the condition of thinness was observed in 27.5%, in turn, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the population was 15% of the population. As for the distribution of overweight, girls had a higher percentage (20.83%) when compared to boys (6.25%), and it was found the percentage of 6.25% of obesity in boys and 20.83% in girls. When analyzing only the group with overweight and obesity by gender, obesity was significantly more prevalent in boys. Conclusion: The early detection of children with inadequate nutritional status, associated with actions aimed at promoting health, with interventions in schools, families and with everyone's access to information on the determinants and consequences of thinness and obesity.

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