Nursing in the pre-hospital care

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Nursing in the pre-hospital care

Marcella Mirelle Souza Pereira, Mikael Henrique de Jesus Batista, Àfia da Silva Lima, Maria da Cruz da Silva Lima, Marilene Alves Rocha, Ana Catarina de Moraes Souza, Amanda Carolina de Jesus Sainca, Tainá Soares Nunes


Abstract: This study aims to understand about nursing in pre-hospital care (PHC). Method: This is a systematic review of the literature where eleven articles were studied, four of them from the Scielo database, five from the Virtual Health Library, and five from Google scholar. Some integrative reviews, conclusion papers, graduate studies, others of simple reviews. Results: The results, after analysing the articles, define the scarcity of studies on the foundation of nursing in the PHC.

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