Nursing cares for women in pre-childbirth of a private maternity of teresina-pi
International Journal of Development Research
Nursing cares for women in pre-childbirth of a private maternity of teresina-pi
Received 10th May 2020; Received in revised form 11th June 2020; Accepted 17th July 2020; Published online 26th August 2020
Copyright © 2020, Rosane da Silva Santana et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study aims to analyze nurses' pre-childbirth care. This is a descriptive research of a qualitative approach, developed in a private maternity hospital in the city of Teresina-PI. The study subjects were 06 nurses who work in the prepartum sector in the morning, afternoon and evening shifts. The collection was divided into two stages. The first presents the characterization of the subjects, and the second one, referring to the guiding questions of the study. For the analysis of the results, the Collective Subject Discourse method was used. The results were arranged in three categories: Nurses in the care of pre-childbirth women; Nurses' orientations to pre-childbirth women according to the humanization program; and Difficulties that the nurses experience in the care the woman in the pre-childbirth. It was evidenced that nurses provide care to the pregnant woman and follow the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, but the fragility and insecurity presented by the woman often hamper the development of integral care. It is essential that the nurse and her team work to rescue the triad of childbirth and birth, aiming at the autonomy and protagonism of the woman during her delivery, the adoption of methods with strong scientific evidence and the work with the multidisciplinary team, providing a holistic assistance.