Nursing assistance in antibioticotherapy in front of burned pediatric patient in intensive care unit


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Nursing assistance in antibioticotherapy in front of burned pediatric patient in intensive care unit

Alyne Pereira Lopes, Elisângela Pereira Lima and Marhesca Carolyne de Miranda Barros Gomes


Burned pediatric patients often enter the hospital environment, antibiotic prophylaxis is one of the main approaches to these clinical conditions, which requires adequate skills, techniques and knowledge on the part of nurses to provide assistance to this public. The objective was to analyze the scientific productions on nursing care in antibiotic therapy for pediatric patients burned in the intensive care unit (ICU). The methodological approach constitutes an exploratory, bibliographic study with integrative, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the literature available in virtual libraries such as the PubMed, Google Scholar and Scopus databases in which the free full text, the period of time, was included as inclusion criteria. established between 2014 to 2019, as well as the thematic focus. As a result, it was observed the pharmacokinetics of the main antibiotics used in the pediatric public burned in the ICU environment, biotechnology of antimicrobial drugs, care related to dressings and xenografts, main resistant multidrug bacterial species found in the pediatric ICU environment, in addition to the main nursing actions against burns. It is concluded that the scientific literature on this subject is still limited, in addition, unanimously, studies show that hand washing is the best action against the spread of pathogens.

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