Analysis of infant hospitalizations for pneumonia in a University Hospital (2013-2016)

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Analysis of infant hospitalizations for pneumonia in a University Hospital (2013-2016)

Leandro Januário de Lima, Onireves Monteiro de Castro, Edineide Nunes da Silva and Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias


Objective: to understand the clinical-epidemiological profile of admissions for pneumonia at the Júlio Bandeira University Hospital between 2013 and 2016. Method: documentary and cross-sectional study, with data collected from medical records of children and adolescents, being approved by the ethics committee with opinion number 2048056. Results: 599 hospitalizations occurred in the referred period, with a 38% increase in the. Male cases, of patients up to five years old, coming from the urban area were predominant. Unspecified pneumonia was the most common diagnosis. The patients’ biological sex and area of residence did not influence their type of discharge or the use of supplemental oxygen. The hospital stay of female patients was longer (p = 0.011), and this subgroup was significantly more submitted to blood count (p = 0.009), c-reactive protein (CRP) (p = 0.001) and radiography (p = 0.035). Consequently, the rate of laboratory tests (p = 0.003) and complementary tests in general (p = 0.009) was higher in this group. Conclusion: the study revealed an increase in hospitalizations for pneumonia, seasonal distribution, in addition to pointing out that gender and area of residence do not influence discharge due to clinical improvement, nor the need to use supplemental oxygen.

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