The educator and the educational practices in hospital spaces: conceptual and contextual epistemologies

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

The educator and the educational practices in hospital spaces: conceptual and contextual epistemologies

Maria Ravelli Cordeiro Xavier, José Gerardo Vasconcelos, Antônio Roberto Xavier, Francisco Ari de Andrade, Maria do Rosário de Fátima Portela Cysne, Rosalina Semedo de Andrade Tavares, Olienaide Ribeiro de Oliveira Pinto, Juan Carlos Alvarado Alcócer, Dijane Maria Rocha Victor, Carlos Mendes Tavares, José Rogério Santana and Sídney Guerra Reginaldo


This article aims to demonstrate the importance of hospital pedagogy as a field of knowledge and the need of the professional of this field, the hospital pedagogue, to act in the scope of the multiprofessional health team, not only as a doctor, psychologist or nurse, but as an educator/teacher who makes the teaching-learning process possible in peculiar circumstances in which the ill schoolchild is inserted. Methodologically, this is a theoretical-epistemological study, of exploratory-descriptive type as to the content of the sources. Regarding the approach, it is qualitative with the use of critical socio-historical discourse analysis. It is concluded that, in spite of being a peculiar need of having hospital pedagogical professionals so that the child school is not harmed in its teaching-learning process, legal and didactic- pedagogical hindrances still remain and there is a lack of political will for this question to be put on the discussion agenda with more effectiveness and brevity in the legislative scope.

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