Caracterização dos pacientes com feridas crônicas atendidos em um ambulatório de enfermagem

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Caracterização dos pacientes com feridas crônicas atendidos em um ambulatório de enfermagem

Luiza Maria Ferreira Silva, Milena Monte da Silva, Roberta Peixoto Vieira, Layane Ribeiro Lima, Viviane Ferreira da Silva, Cleciana Alves Cruz and Rayanne de Sousa Barbosa


The objective was to characterize the Patients with Chronic Wounds Assisted in a Nursing Ambulatory. The method corresponds to an exploratory, descriptive, documentary, and cross-sectional research with a quantitative approach. With analysis of the medical records of 10 patients of the Ambulatory of Prevention and Treatment of Injuries attended in 2019. The results of the study showed that most of the patients were male, with a mean age of 60 years, with Diabetes Mellitus, and as risk factors stood out Alcoholism. The coverages used in the treatment of patients with wounds, were AGE and barrier cream, it was also possible to verify that 60% of the patients underwent conservative instrumental debridement. When the orientations were emphasized about the daily dressing exchange, dressing care at home and limb elevation. Finally, the results of the study showed that the nurse, through his care, is an essential professional in the construction of adequate care, self-care and the correct management of the dressing at home. Besides, that’s the record in the charts. The record becomes important for the quality of care, because it consists in the formalization of all care provided, and, establishes a communication link between the team.

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