Evaluation of interprofessional attitude by the jefferson scale

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

Evaluation of interprofessional attitude by the jefferson scale

Nathália Muricy Costa, Aline Oliveira Rocha de Lima, Betina Beatriz de Oliveira, Rênica Alves de Morais Rocha, Hugo Machado Sanchez, Eliane Gouveia de Morais Sanchez, and Cátia Regina Assis Almeida Leal


Within Interprofessional education is a strategy developed in order to train professionals capable of teamwork, being an essential practice for comprehensive health care. This study aimed to evaluate the level of attitude towards interprofessional collaboration of students and professors of the Academic Unit of Health Sciences and to diagnose possible differences in this attitude between the courses that make up this academic unit: Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Biomedicine and Medicine. It was a descriptive cross-sectional study, whose sample was for convenience, composed of 597 volunteers. They received an online link in which it was possible to access the validated version in Brazil of the Jefferson Scale of Attitudes Related to Interprofessional Collaboration - EJARCI. Observing the results found between students and teachers, it was possible to infer that there was no statistical difference (p = 0.98) in the comparison between these two large groups, pointing to a similar level of collaborative capacity. As for the five courses, medicine was the one with the highest average related to the interprofessional domain with 122.55 ± 10.35, indicating greater ability for interprofessional work. The Physical Education course stood out with the lowest score of 117.10 ± 13.90.

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