The Use Of Pesticides By Farmers In The Community Of Varjota, Aracoiaba – CE

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

The Use Of Pesticides By Farmers In The Community Of Varjota, Aracoiaba – CE

Jean Carlos de Araújo Brilhante; Denise Maria Santos; Antonio Costa Neto; Audenyvia Karlla de Oliveira Dantas; Francisca Samila Batista Lima; Amanda de Lira Freitas; Sérvio Túlio Pereira Justino; Gabriela Gomes Ramos; Gilda Lúcia Rodrigues Nascimento; Nathany Alves de Andrade; Andréa de Vasconcelos Freitas Pinto; Maria José de Holanda Leite


The term pesticide rather than crop protection came to be used in Brazil to denote agricultural poisons. Pesticides are chemicals used in agriculture, in order to combat pests, pathogens and organisms that compromise agricultural production. But the indiscriminate and inappropriate use of these products may cause potential risks not only to the ground as the entire food chain, and especially in Public Health. In this sense, the improper handling of pesticides is a major cause of health problems in the field. Farmers spraying pesticides on crops is exposed to highly toxic products. From the recognition of the negative effects of a potential contamination with pesticide health of the local population and the environment, this study aims to analyze the perception of farmers in relation to biosecurity in the use of pesticides in Varjota community, EC. For that were applied questionnaires to communal farmers, approaching the level of knowledge and level of understanding about biosecurity practices in pesticide handling. The analysis of results showed that most farmers do not read beyond the labeling of pesticides, most also do not understand the information contained therein. Moreover, most do not make the return of empty containers of pesticides. One of the observed positive aspect is that most farmers use the PPE and make triple washing of packaging. It was observed that all respondents wish to have an educational followup in relation to handling, application and practice the correct use of agrochemicals by the Agriculture Department.

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