Recognition of facial expressions: active emotions during the use of audiovisuals

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Recognition of facial expressions: active emotions during the use of audiovisuals

Andreia Solange Bos, Marcelo Vettori, Michelle Câmara Pizzato and Milton Antônio Zaro


This article describes or recognizes facial and compared expressions as active emotions when using audiovisuals. This study investigated the parameters of facial expressions with the use of audiovisual information in the perception of emotions. Participants volunteer to enjoy two types of music videos. The videos were selected in two styles (pop / rock and classical music). The listening task and the answers are intended to investigate the emotional perception of those being tested. There is a difference between the styles of music used during the study. The emotions expressed on the faces of the investigated are evidenced during the expressions with movements of the lips and other expressions on the face. The results indicate that the judgment of the volunteers' emotions oscillated positively during the use of the classic audiovisual style of Mozart with the style of pop / rock music. Also, when reading brain activities inserted using an EEG sensor, this information is used as a constant increase in brain frequencies during the use of classic audiovisual.

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