Unit displacement ofsheep production in mexico by effect of imports

International Journal of Development Research

Unit displacement ofsheep production in mexico by effect of imports


The aim of this study was to evaluate the displacement of Mexican sheep production units as a result of imports. The country as a whole was taken as the unit of analysis, the information is mainly obtained from SAGARPA and sectorial agencies, FAO, Ministry of Economy and the Bank of Mexico, the study was conducted from 1970 to 2011. Data was deflated with National Consumer Price Index for the second half of December 2010. The increases/decreases, average growth rate, inventory, production and imports were determined. To calculate the units of sheep production displaced or not developed by the effect of imports and the blueprint details sheep products where the UPO units stratified into four strata by the number of sheep. The average growth rate sheep inventory was 0.71% ending in 2011 with 8.2 million of heads, the production went from 20 800 t in 1970 and 2011 with 56,500 t, the sheep meat imports increased from 161 to 10613 t in the period from 1970 to 2011 with a 10.49 % average growth rate. The displaced units for 2011 as a result of imports were 579,000. The economic policy pursued by the Mexican state has no incentive to domestic production or consumption, but imports of sheep or meat to supply domestic demand.

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