Adolescent health: the role of the nursing professional in adolescent health care

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Adolescent health: the role of the nursing professional in adolescent health care

Lílian Natália Ferreira de Lima, Kesia Chaves da Silva, Francisco Alves Lima Júnior, Karla Vanessa Morais Lima, Adriano Figueiredo Neves, Priscila Gonçalves Jacinto Figueredo, Dhonnel Olinda da Silva, Herculano Rodrigues, Maria Adenilda da Silva and Sonia Maria Neri de Araújo


To point out the main activities performed by nurses through health care programs. An integrative literature review was performed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), based on studies between 2008 and 2013 that used the descriptors: Adolescence; Primary Health Care; Adolescent Health. Through the analysis of the selected studies, two themes were selected that synthesized the production studied: health care to the adolescent and its biopsychosocial impact; and the role of nurses in adolescent health. In view of all the above, it was observed that nurses are the fundamental professionals for the promotion of adolescent health, in which the importance of their performance in Primary Care is also highlighted, since they perceive themselves as professionals with a more incisive attitude in the areas of education, health promotion and socio-educational activities. It is noted that there is still an approximation of the part of adolescents to seek a professional and report their problems or feel at ease in a health establishment.

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