Evaluation of the overseas internship program planning

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Case Report

Evaluation of the overseas internship program planning


This study aimed to evaluate the overseas internship program planning for students at Indonesia Defense University (IDU). Evaluation is conducted to analyze adequate needs of the program, design and strategy, field study planning, readiness of students, academic advisors and keynote speakers, management planning, also facilities and budget. This study applied qualitative approach. Primary and secondary data were obtained through document studies, literature, observation, and interviews. The data were analyzed using interactive approach of Miles and Huberman through data display activities, data reduction, and withdrawing the conclusion. The results of the study indicated that overall program planning obtained high percentage (77.04%). It means that most aspects are implemented or available based on the criteria. Therefore, it is recommended that the program planning needs to be developed with some improvements as needed to fulfill the quality standards.

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