Production of educational technology about entrepreneurship for nurses of surgical clinic

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

Production of educational technology about entrepreneurship for nurses of surgical clinic


Objective: It was reported the production of an educational technology about entrepreneurship for nurses working in a surgical clinic. Methodology: We used the Method of Questioning by following the five steps arch of Maguerez. From observation, by nursing students on nursing activity in a surgical clinic of a public hospital in the city of Belém/PA, It was noticed that they saw themselves not as potential entrepreneurs thus came the proposal of approach the topic through an educational video produced to encourage and instruct the nurse on entrepreneurship in nursing and its various aspects; then the key points had been raised; held the theoretical foundation of the theme; and finally the creation of video. Results: the planning and construction of educational technology in video form with the subject "entrepreneurship in nursing", your production was held during 3 months, and in your script there were questions and answers. Conclusion: There was the perception of the necessity of construction of educational technologies with the purpose of raising awareness, educate and awaken the students and professionals to participate in the process of formation of new knowledge, these serve as a tool for performing educational activities and enable the development of nursing a profile more enterprising.

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