Demonetisation-a fling to indian economy
International Journal of Development Research
Demonetisation-a fling to indian economy
Received 14th May, 2017; Received in revised form 25th June, 2017; Accepted 23rd July, 2017; Published online 30th August, 2017
Copyright ©2017, Priyanka R Trivedi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Demonetization is a word or an action that has clipped up the Indian economy. it is a sudden stop in terms of currency avability. As around us we can feel the positive and negative vibes similarly demonetization has build up a positive as well as negative impact on our Indian Economy. This paper basically highlights what demonetization has brought in our economy. Paper deals with various issues, aspects and opinion regarding demonetization. The paper brings in the limelight various driving factor of demonetization, analyze the factors and evaluates citizen reaction for the same. Apart from this paper focus on the real impact that our economy is facing in course of demonization and the impact that economy will face after demonetization.