A study of microfinance and poverty alleviation with special reference to Assam

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

A study of microfinance and poverty alleviation with special reference to Assam

Mangal Sing Kro


One of the North Eastern States Assam has a great potentiality of employment generation, but it has a low opportunity in getting employment. It has been facing the problem of low entrepreneurship development till now. More than 30% (2012) people are still in the trap of vicious circle of poverty and about 27 % people are fighting with illiteracy. The capital deficiency is the main problem behind low employment and low-income generation. Therefore, the present economic condition of Assam needs more entrepreneurs for generating employment and reducing poverty. The entrepreneurship, however, in Assam can be created by the opportunity of bank loan. The loan opportunity of the microfinance, hence, is a very important determinant for alleviating poverty. Therefore, with respect to the present economic condition of Assam, this paper will try to look into the role of microfinance in entrepreneurship development and in poverty alleviation.

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