Development of language planning go to globalization era is evaluated from history aspect

International Journal of Development Research

Development of language planning go to globalization era is evaluated from history aspect


This Article aims to explanation development of language planning go to globalization era is evaluated from history aspect. Language Planning in terpola is conducted since 1959 by E. Haugen in norwegian. Language Planning finally growing in various of countries, specially colonized country is entered Indonesia. Language Planning country is assessed of vital importance because can influence political sector, economy, culture, education, and religion. Language must planned because have the character of dynamic, not all narrator language know abouts linguistics, and many influenced from language of colonist community or power. Language expands along with era growth. In consequence in globalization era in one innuendo this time its moustache Indonesian language hams maintains spirit in the middle of society that is known as simple language, easy to understand, and have high suavity. Pass by matured and continual language planning then function and Indonesian language role as the national language and state language remain to maintain and defended.

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