Impact of tourism in Indian economy

International Journal of Development Research

Impact of tourism in Indian economy


This paper coins how tourism sector is significant for Indian economy. Developing country like India tourism has become one of the major sectors of the economy, contributing to a large proportion to GDP and employment opportunities. Tourism is one of the fastest growing service industry in the country with great potentials for its further expansion and diversification. Tourism industry plays a major role in any country’s economic development. It helps significantly to the country for creating the employment opportunities to the large number of people. Moreover, it is also one of the important engines to attract more foreign exchanges with its potential. We need to concentrate to have liberal policies, relaxation in taxes, comprehensive package and so on to influence tourist and foreign investment. There is also a need to increase the government’s role to make India flourishing in tourism and established in the global market. India has rich source in tourism for the establishment of the brand. Of course India has been launched the Incredible India to make tourism better.

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