Entrepreneurial skills among women under self help groups in almora District of Uttarakhand

International Journal of Development Research

Entrepreneurial skills among women under self help groups in almora District of Uttarakhand


The purpose of the present study was to identify the various enterprises undertaken by the members of women Self-Help Groups in Almora district of Uttarakhand. The study also aims to determine the extent of entrepreneurial skills of women under Self Help Groups in Uttarakhand. Hawalbagh block of Almora district was selected purposively considering the entrepreneurial activities and availability of active and functional SHGs under various Government and NGOs. Two villages namely village Bakh and village Sar ka ali were selected using simple random sampling. All the members of six women SHGS were selected thus, total eighty respondents constituted sample for the investigation. Comprehensive and detailed interview schedule were used to collect data. Appropriate statistical techniques were used for analysis and interpretation of data. The major findings showed that women were engaged in enterprises like goat/sheep rearing, food product manufacturing, stitching, poultry, dairy production and weaving / knitting. The extent of entrepreneurial skills of members of the women SHGs was studied through scales after making necessary modifications. The analysis regarding extent of entrepreneurial skills synthesized that majority of the respondents belonged to medium level of planning skills, leadership ability, decision making ability, market orientation and coordination ability followed by low level.

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